GetIn creates the relationship between businesses and their customers by sending follow-up messages at the time they’re most likely to be engaged. 

As GetIn co-founders we sent 45k cold outreach emails last year.
What we have learnt 2 key takeaways:

One personalized email can bring better results than 50 cold emails.

Most outreach tools are overcomplicated. They think about technology but not about people.

After using 6 different tools, we created our own. Join GetIn!

GetIn helps to make new connections for bloggers and SMB companies

Our mission is to help people make new connections and make money. Yes, MONEY. We want to help bloggers and SMB companies be good at link building, PR activities, influencers marketing. We strongly believe that to make connections you can be very effective without spending $999 per month on tools. 

Join GetIn today and boost your business!